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Durham County North Carolina Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Durham County, North Carolina?

Yes, arrest records are public in Durham County, North Carolina. According to the public record act, these records are available for public request from various government agencies at the federal, state, and county levels. This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Durham County Court. Arrest records contain information about an individual's criminal history, including arrests, inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots.

How to Find Arrest Records in Durham County, North Carolina in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Durham County, North Carolina in 2024, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Durham County Police Department or the Durham County Sheriff's Office. They may have an online portal where you can search for arrest records. Please note that not all departments provide online access to arrest records.

  2. If the department does not have an online portal, you can visit their physical location and make a public records request in person. Provide the necessary information, such as the name of the individual and the date of the arrest, to facilitate the search process.

  3. Another option is to use third-party websites that provide access to Durham County arrest records. These websites may require a fee or subscription to access their database. Ensure that you choose a reputable and reliable website.

Please note that the availability and accessibility of arrest records may vary depending on the specific department and their policies. It is recommended to contact the respective law enforcement agency for more information on how to obtain arrest records in Durham County, North Carolina.

Police Departments in Durham County, North Carolina

  • Durham County Police Department: 505 W Chapel Hill St, Durham, NC 27701
  • Durham County Sheriff's Office: 510 S Dillard St, Durham, NC 27701
  • Chapel Hill Police Department: 828 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
  • North Carolina Central University Police Department: 1801 Fayetteville St, Durham, NC 27707

Lookup Arrest Records in Durham County, North Carolina

Please note that the availability of these resources may vary, and it is recommended to check their respective websites for the most up-to-date information.